Anturiaf at ei orsedd fwyn, Tan eitha tywyll nos; Ac mi orphwysaf, doed a ddel, Ar haeddiant gwaed y groes. Mi waeddaf yn y 'storom fawr, Dan donau fwy na rhi'; Ac fe esgyna'm drylliog lef, I entrych nefoedd fry. Fe ffŷ'r tywyllwch wrth fy nghri, Yn nghyfyngderau'r nos; Can's nid â'n ofer gais fy Nuw, A waeddodd ar y groes. - - - - - Anturiaf at ei orsedd fwyn, Dan eithaf tywyll nos; Ac mi orffwysaf, doed a ddêl, Ar haeddiant gwaed ei Groes. Mae ynddo trugareddau fil, A chariad heb ddim trai, A rhyw ffyddlondeb fel y môr At ei gystuddiol rai. Mi rof ffarwél i bob rhyw chwant - Pob pleser is y nen; Ac yr wy'n cymryd Iesu o'm bodd Yn Briod ac yn Ben. Ni welaf wrthych mewn un man, O'r ddaear las i'r ne', A dâl ei garu tra fwyf byw, Yn unig ond Efe.
Tonau [MC 8686]:
gwelir: |
I will venture to his gentle throne, Until the utter dark of night; And I will rest, come what may, On the merit of the blood of the cross. I will shout in the great storm, Under billows more than number; And my broken cry will ascend, To the vault of heaven above. The darkness will flee at my cry, In the straits of the night; For I will not go in vain to seek my God, Who shouted on the cross. - - - - - I will venture to his gentle throne, Under the utter dark of night; And I will rest, come what may, On the merit of the blood of the cross. In him are a thousand mercies, And love without ebbing at all, And a kind of faithfulness like the sea To his afflicted ones. I will give a farewell to every kind of desire - Every pleasure under the sky; And I will take Jesus willingly As Spouse and as Head. I see none beside you in any place, From the blue-green earth to the heaven, Who keeps his love while I live, Except Him alone. tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion |